Author Archives: DetlevCM

v1.3.3 – corrected some typographical errors

Missing a word (thanks to the glossary) is annoying, as are rather strange typographical errors… A minor correction prompted this quick new release: A Basic Introduction to Photography

Camera Modes, extended glossary – v1.3.2

The last update for today, version 1.3.2 I have added a brief description of camera modes, as well as expanded the glossary: A Basic Introduction to Photography

v1.3.1 – glossary and plans

So, it was suggested to me to add a glossary – and after searching for some time and being extremely annoyed with the LaTeX mess, I finally got it to work… So any feedback? I think it does add a bit of a mess to the text, but it is useful – and also just […]

Time for another update, version 1.3.0

While I am currently releasing sometimes several updates pre day, I am already slowing own – and will slow down more with time. I have amended and expanded the “Basic Introduction” Chapter as well as significantly expanded the editing Chapter. As a result I am sure my text contains quite a few more typographical errors… […]

Version 1.2.3

A smaller update this time around, I chased the whole text through word and drastically reduced the amount of typographical errors in the text. As useful LaTeX is for referencing, formatting, as useless it is for spellchecking… Anyway, the update is attached to this post as usually. A Basic Introduction to Photography Topics that will […]

Missing “h”… typographical error corrected, version 1.2.2

Ok, I found a typographical error… so here is version 1.2.2 A Basic Introduction to Photography Edit: Version 1.2.2….

Version 1.2.1

I suppose I could even call this version 1.3.0, but I decided to call this version 1.2.1. I have added some more detail in the lens section and redesigned the lens classifications – now using a table. A Basic Introduction to Photography

And Version 1.2.0 released

I sat down to write some more today. I have significantly expanded on aperture and exposure in my guide, and hence labelled it version 1.2.0. I aim to change the 0.x.0 counter for major changes and the 0.0.x counter for minor revisions such as rephrased sentences or typographical corrections. The x.0.0 counter will be changed […]

A basic Guide to Photography

I have started to write a guide about photography. Because, as an electronic book, this is a document easily updated, a central site is required as a “distribution hub”. I have decided to use WordPress to this effect, where I can update the file with new versions as I update the script. An initial full […]

Nothing to see

There is nothing to see here, sorry. This is mainly a placeholder to reserve my name, but also to be able to more easily manage anything associated with wordpress. May I interest you in my photography site? Or maybe my maths site?